"Mama Russia Needs You" Steam keys giveaway

Game description

Mama Russia Needs You is a bloody shoot'em up set in the alternative history, where USSR is at the final stage of taking over the world.

The main character is the commander of a combat airship, whose mission is to suppress the uprisings of conquered nations. Make your way through the hundreds of murders, innocent victims and omnipresent bureaucracy in this uncompromising authoritarian superpower.


There is a limit on Steam - you can follow only 100 curators. Just unfollow some.
Manually check again that you have joined every Steam group. Then check your Steam profile privacy settings are set to "public".
YouTube task`s check always takes 30+ seconds. Just wait a little. If it still doesn't mark as completed - try to relogin on YouTube website.
Log out and log in again on GiveAway.su service.
Check that your Steam profile is public. Looks like Steam API has some lag now - it can take up to 24 hours to update after you set your profile public.

How to get free Steam key

Today we start a new giveaway - 2500 Steam keys for "Mama Russia Needs You" game. It is really quick to get the key - just complete several easy tasks! This game was removed from Steam but it is valuable for removed Steam games collectors.

Steam level 1 is required to get the key from this giveaway.

This game got removed from Steam before the release. We don't know if you actually can play it. If you don't want to get unplayable Steam game for completed tasks - don't participate in this giveaway.

You need to log in with your Steam account to continue.